The Two Restaurants

 “All the world is made of faith, and trust, and pixie dust.”
J.M. Barrie,(Peter Pan)

In case you don't know what a pixie is, its magical creature from fairy tales. Pixie are a cheerful mischievous being. Just be happy and joyous like them.πŸ‘ΌπŸ˜‡

So this One day I was just scrolling my YouTube Feed, I got one recommendation for Jim Browning's Video. Never saw his video, I thought to give it a try. OMG! He makes videos on exposing scams. From first to second and then third, all my day I was watching his videos. He explained about how scams works like pop-up scams, tech-support scams and all kind of those shits. Scammers try to get remote access and then they perform their scams. Well you should never give remote access to our system to anyone. 

What really hooked me to his videos was that out of his 60 scams exposed, 58 were from India. Literally you can listen some of his (scammers) friends curse in Hindi. Well this is not good. Right!!

From his channel I went to another channel Karl Rocks. He is from New Zealand but currently lives in Delhi. One of his video was about how restaurant charge extra from foreigners. Even more than retail prices and way too much overpriced meals. So he was outside that restaurant (who cheats foreigners) and just beside that there was small Dhabha. This Dhabha had genuine prices and staff at Dhabha were honest and kind. Kindness is always better than comfort.

I just want to say there are always two sides, Good and Bad Ones. No-one is on either side. Some of our decisions, deeds, thinking and our acts determine what we are😊. Rather than blaming others for their bad behaviour, seek goodness of others. Take your mind off them, Coz worrying about these little things will ultimately make you fell unhappy.

Smile and Move On

"Coz Smile can't change your past but yes definitely it will influence your present"



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